January 13th, 2016
Seasonal Soup Tasting
Accompanied by a quiz from our favourite quizmaster Woody
February 10th, 2016
Speaker ~ Sarah Sawyer
Sarah is coming to tell us about the projects she is involved with in the Wye Valley.
Sarah is Community Links Officer from Wye Valley AONB, also formerly worked at Bristol Botanic Garden, Highgrove and the RSPB, so have your questions ready!
March 9th, 2016
Speaker ~ Mark Moir of Newent Plant Centre
Scented Plants and Spring Colour
April 13th, 2016
Speaker ~ Max Wilson of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Mark will be giving us the buzz about bumblebees!
Max is a local volunteer for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. He will be giving us an introduction to the UK' s most effective pollinators. Their species, life cycle, enormous contribution and the worrying threats to their survival which will affect us all, and what each one of us can do to help preserve them.
May 11th, 2016
Preparations for Plant Sale
Our own gardeners' question time.
May 14th (Saturday)
PLANT SALE at Ruspidge Memorial Hall
10am - 1pm
It's time again for our annual Plant Sale at the hall. This is a lovely community event so please come along and join us. Maybe pick up a bargain or just come and have a cup of tea and a slice of cake? There will be plants for sale, refreshments and cakes, a raffle, book sale and gardeners' question table! We hope to see you there!
June 8th, 2016
Garden visits to:~
Ruspidge & The Ruffit
Meet at the hall at 6.30 for 2 garden visits, one in Ruspidge and one at the Ruffit.
In Ruspidge the garden we are visiting is a charming cottage garden, bordering the woods. As well as being the most picturesque cottage garden, it has additional areas, like rooms of a house, adding delightful dimensions and harmonising with the adjoining woodland.
In contrast our other visit, near the top of the Ruffitt, has a garden majoring on vegetables enriched with green manure. This pristine garden feeds their extended family throughout the year. They are firm believers of good husbandry. As well as spectacular views over the Severn Valley we will see an innovative garden, and be privileged to learn from it's owner. There are also delightful shrub and flower borders.
Back to the hall afterwards for Pimms and Scones
July 13th, 2016
Speaker ~ Sally Twyman
Combination Planting
August 10th, 2016
Garden Visit to Barn House
Owner Kate Patel
The garden at Barn House is located on a secluded hillside above the beautiful Wye Valley. Surrounded by meadows and woodland, it’s an inspiring place to create a garden.The acre garden is divided into two, with the house sitting at the bottom of what was a rocky slope.
On the other hand, the site is south facing and catches the valley winds which makes it ideal for growing ornamental grasses.
Programme of club events 2014/2015
September 10th, 2014
Cheese & Wine Evening
Pete Graham ~ Winemaking
October 8th, 2014
Speaker ~ Duncan Jackson
Presentation on Permaculture
November 12th, 2014
Speaker ~ Roger Keyes
*Also this night book sale
December 10th, 2014
Christmas Quiz night and Buffet
Quiz night & Social Evening, mulled wine and Christmas nibbles
After something a bit different last year, a return to our much enjoyed
Christmas quiz hosted by Woody, and with homemade mulled wine provided by Pete.
How could you refuse?
January 14th, 2015
Speaker ~ Julie Ritchie
The Perennial Year
The Nursery says:
‘Hoo House Nursery has been offering perennials and alpines for more than 25 years.
We grow and propagate as many of our own plants as possible and for the last 8 years have been using peat-free compost.
We maintain a list of about 900 varieties which although not all available at one time, we aim to have the majority of them on offer around the beginning of May.
We pride ourselves on having a good range of plants for every garden situation and can offer advice and suggestions for anyone in need of a little inspiration.’
*Also this night Bring and Buy Sale
February 11th, 2015
Speaker ~ Belinda Legge
'A Gardener view of Australia'
Brenda former member of the Pludds Gardening Society shares her visits to gardens in Australia.
March 11th, 2015
Speaker ~ Andy Pedricks
'Hands on propagation'
April 8th, 2015
Speaker ~ Paul Moir
Painswick Rococco Garden
'The History and Restoration of an 18th Century Regency Playground'
May 9th, 2015
Plant Sale
Ruspidge Memorial Hall
Plants, cakes, raffle and refreshments!
Come along and join in the fun, pick up a bargain or come and have a cup of tea and a bit of cake?
May 13th, 2015
Speakers ~ Sue Smith/ Sue Dodd
Wildflowers of the Cotswolds
Myths, remedies and Legends
June 10th, 2015
Garden visit ~
Composting at Lisa's
Lisa dishes the dirt on the good stuff!
July 8th, 2015
Garden visit ~
Two NGS gardens in Longhope
Refreshments included
August 12th, 2015
Trials and Triumphs
AGM/Social Evening and Pimms
Tell us about what you have been up to in the garden, successes, failures, anything you want to tell us about or show us. If you have any gardening questions, email them to us in advance so we can put it to 'the panel'.
Programme of club events 2013/2014
September 11th, 2013
Members group meeting
Membership renewals
Bulb sales
October 9th, 2013
Speaker: Fiona Warin
'Lost the Plot'
A humorous talk about allotments and tips for our gardens
November 13th, 2013
Severn Cider, Awre
Talk with cider samples and food ideas
December 11th, 2013
Sadie Kilby
Wreath making demonstration
Come along have a go at making your own wreath, and then why not enter it in to the competition before you take it home?
Please bring some greenery for making your wreath if possible, or anything you would like to decorate it with.
December 14th, 2013 (Saturday)
Christmas Dinner Meal
The White Hart, Ruspidge
Three course meal plus coffee and mince pies. Entertainment.
£20 per head. Book with a deposit now, pay the balance in November.
January 8th, 2014
January Social Evening
with Soup and Roll supper
We will be having a Quiz devised specially for us by our member and plant knowledge
expert Judy!
New* Small 'Bring and Buy Sale'
February 12th, 2014
Speaker: Bob Train
'Learn how to get more from your camera'
Bob has 30 years of award winning experience and will share with us how to:
Photograph your garden
Capture special moments easily
Compose stunning shots with confidence
Understand your camera programes.
So bring along your camera for advice from Bob. You might find a feature you didn't know about!
March 12th, 2014
Speaker: Dr Ferguson
'Growing and storing vegetables'
Dr Keith Ferguson trained as a professional botanist, and after working in the USA for a time, he then spent 29 years at Kew before retiring to Gloucestershire and creating a new garden in Longhope. A keen and widely travelled plantsman who gives talks to many garden clubs and societies around the country.
April 9th, 2014
Speaker: John Fitzpatrick
Editor of the Alpine Garden Society publication and was part of the gold winning team at Chelsea last year.
May 10th, 2014
Plant Sale
Ruspidge Memorial Hall
10am - 1pm
Plants, Raffle, Refreshments and Cake!
Why not come along and join in the fun. Pick up a bargain or come and have a cup of tea and a bit of cake? To learn some more about us come to the club stand.
May 14th, 2014
Speaker: Gail Plant
"A scented garden year"
Gail Plant of Mrs Plant's Herbs in Much Marcle, a sensory, scented, and bee friendly garden designer and plantswoman.
June 11th, 2014
Speaker: Rebecca Hoyland
Blakeney Hill Growers
We met Rebecca at the Community Grant Awards ceremony where Blakeney Hill Growers received a grant to help with the bee-keeping side of their garden. She has agreed to come and tell us a bit more about the community gardens at Blakeney Hill.
From their website -
'Everything we do holds to our core values of sustainable and wildlife friendly growing. We want to add to the bio diversity and care for the environment and wildlife as well as produce healthy food and have places to relax.
Sustainable Food Production and Recreation with Fewer Food Miles
We’re using part of our land to house goats, bees and chickens as well as space for a community vegetable plot, garden and orchard. We’re producing a range of food products from goats milk, eggs, fruit and vegetables, and honey.'
July 9th, 2014
Garden visit:
Visit to Blakeney Hill Growers following on from our previous meeting to see the community gardens.
Cost is £2 per person
Travel arrangements: Meet at the Hall at 7 pm (car share as usual )
Directions: Follow the road from Ruspidge through Soudley, just before you reach Blakeney turn right( signposted Blakeney Hill).
Where the lane widens please park here and walk up the hill to the "garden". The less able will be able to go right up to the entrance, but parking will be difficult.
August 13th, 2014
AGM and Fruit Punch Evening
Official business out the way as soon as possible hopefully. A bit of a social afterwards, fruit punch and nibbles. Share with us any hints or tips you might have, what worked for, what didn't? What do wish you had grown?
Programme of club events 2012/2013
September 12th, 2012
Members group meeting
Membership renewals
Sweet potato trials
October 7th, 2012
Mass bulb planting
Ruspidge Park 2pm
October 10th, 2012
Speaker: Catherine Williams
'How to make the most of your garden'
November 14th, 2012
Winter tool maintenance and tool sharpening
Club workshop
December 12th, 2012
Mulled wine, mince pies & Christmas nibbles
You are invited to come and enjoy this social event with Woody, our Quizmaster for the evening, posing the questions… join a team and pit your wits….
January 9th, 2013
Homemade Soup and roll evening
Gardening quiz
Seed orders
January 19th, 2013
Social evening
Skittles match
The White Horse, Soudley
Buffet - Ploughmans £5
February 13th, 2013
Speaker: Mark Moir
Edible gardens
March 13th, 2013
Speaker: Steve Frost
‘Preparing for the village show’
Pot of bulbs competition
Seed swap
April 10th, 2013
Speaker: Marion Stainton
Murder, magic and plant potions from your garden
Marion's talk is guaranteed to get your attention and may produce a few surprises!
April 20th, 2013
Skittles evening now rescheduled
The White Horse, Soudley
Buffet £5
May 8th, 2013
Speaker: Owen Vaughan
Talk on managing a 4 acre public garden with all year round interest by RHS award winning Head Gardener and skilled plantsman
May 18th, 2013
Trip to Kew Gardens
Leaving the hall at 7.30am
June 12th, 2013
Garden Visit
to The Meeting House, Flaxley 7pm
Meet at the hall at 6.30pm for car sharing to the garden
July 10th, 2013
Speaker: Paul Greene
Paul has a specialist plant nursery in Newent and will give advice on grouping plants to get the best effects. He will bring plants with him.
August 14th, 2013
AGM and Pimms night
Programme of club events 2011/2012
Bulb evening
Membership renewals
Highgrove arrangements
September 28th
Highgrove visit
October 12th 2011
Speaker: Samantha Brown
Garden Design
November 9th 2011
Speaker: David Ballard
‘Bump in the Forest’
December 14th 2011
Christmas Quiz
& Party Night
January 11th 2012
Social evening
Seed orders and suggestions
February 8th 2012
Speaker: Mr Perkins
‘Island Gardens of Britain’
March 14th 2012
Social evening
April 11th 2012
Speaker: Rachel Salisbury
'Container gardening'
April 21st 2012
RGC table at Souldey monthly market
From 9.30am
Plants and cakes
May 9th 2012
7PM Plant sale at Judy's garden, Kibble Lane
and afterwards Social evening at the hall
May 20th 2012
Visit to Lydney Spring Gardens, Lydney Park Estate
Meet at the garden car park at 1pm
June 13th 2012
Trip to Wilton Castle, Ross on Wye
Guided tour and refreshments
Car sharing from hall
July 11th 2012
Speaker: Bee keeping
Honey related nibbles
Bee friendly plants
August 8th 2012
AGM/ Pimms evening